Does Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET Work On macOS?

What a poor canned copy & paste response. Completely ignoring the fact that it is down to the incompetence of your developers that it doesn’t work in the first place…


I’m sorry you got that impression, we’ll do our best to change your mind.

I logged the issue with ID SLIDESPYNET-99 in our tracking system for investigation.

@bowespublishing @podycust

We investigated the “library is linked against itself…” and “hardcoded location for libpython” questions.

The “library is linked against itself…” is not an issue. This is a way in which otool works with .dylib dynamic libraries. It is possible to test it with any system library. In all cases we check, specified in the parameters library is displayed first in the tool output. For instance,

otool -L libfreetype.6.dylib
/usr/local/opt/freetype/lib/libfreetype.6.dylib (compatibility version 25.0.0, current version 25.3.0)
/usr/lib/libz.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.2.11)
/usr/lib/libbz2.1.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.8)

.so libraries are displayed in another way, “they are not linked against themselves.” Most libraries in Python packages I reviewed are .so libraries.

The “hardcoded location for libpython” is not an issue too. This is a way the macOS C++ compiler works. All paths returned by otool are hard-coded. But there are tools that allow change paths in .dylib.

Packing .dylib into Python wheels is not a common approach now. And I think there can be complexities to repack such packages. But there are tools that allow doing this. Please review this StackOverflow thread.

I don’t think that described issues are errors in Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET library. It is possible to reconfigure Aspose.Slides .dylib paths to repack it to some new package. But this is not a part of Aspose Slides functionality, and it is necessary to know the requirements and final goals.

The issues you found earlier (filed as SLIDESPYNET-58) have been fixed in Aspose.Slides for Python 23.7 (Windows, Linux, macOS).
You can check all fixes on the Release Notes page.
You can also find the latest version of our library on the Product Download page or PyPI.

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Hi, thats great now libgdiplus doesn’t seem to work when its installed using homebrew just get errors saying it can’t find it and also arm64 support would be great

We tried to reproduce mono_libgdiplus not being available when using Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET 23.7. The problem does not occur. We tested in macOS x86_64 12.6.7, mono_libgdiplus 6.1.1 (6.1.2) environment. Please write what version of macOS you have, and what the brew list mono-libgdiplus command returns.

Regarding support for macOS arm64, we are already at the final stage. We are trying to make macOS arm64 support available in Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET 23.8.

from an intel Mac running that command I get:



its running macOS 12.6.3

Thank you for the details. We are continuing to work on the issue and will get back to you soon.

Unfortunately, we were unable to reproduce the problem you described. You can try to reinstall mono-libgdiplus as follows:

brew uninstall mono-libgdiplus
brew install mono-libgdiplus

If the issue persists, we need more information about your environment.

Any updates on arm64 support?

The issue has been blocked by another issue. Unfortunately, I don’t have any additional information yet.

Ok thanks. What’s the other blocking issue?

I’ve requested information from our development team. We will let you know as soon as possible.

We are using the cs2python wrapper tool to create Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET. Currently, cs2python does not support arm64-based macOS.

Ok thanks.

Do you have a link to that tool as I can’t seem to find it?

If it’s open source might be possible to add support for arm64 macOS easily

I am waiting for information from our developers for you. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Any updates?

I’ve requested information from our developers and will inform you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

any updates?? its been months since you said you’ve requested info from developers

The issue is still blocked by another issue. Unfortunately, I don’t have additional information yet. We apologize for any inconvenience.