Download pdf file from server- edit and save it on server


Is it possible download PDF file (template with editable fields) from Server;
update some fields, ask user if they need Save It;
if Yes then save it on the same folder (Server) ?



Hi Pamanager,

Thanks for your interest in our API’s.

Aspose.Pdf for .NET offers the feature to create as well as manipulate PDF forms and as per your requirements, you can create form template, save it over server and then update file contents using Aspose.Pdf for .NET. Once the changes have been made, you can save the file in Stream object and save the file over some location on server. For more information, please visit Working with Forms.

In case I have not properly understood your requirements or you have any further query, please feel free to contact.


This is what I want to implement:

1. From website User click button "Edit PDF"
2. PDF file (template) will be opened in Adobe
3. User can update some fields on a form
4. When User will close this PDF file then file must be saved in the same folder from where it was opened (in my case in the Server)

And my question is how to implement item #4?

Thank you,

Hi Pamanager,

Thanks for sharing the details and sorry for the delayed response.

Aspose.Pdf for .NET offers the feature to create as well as manipulate existing PDF files but I am afraid it does not support the feature to display/render the PDF document. However as per your requirements, you may consider using AssemblyApp of our sister company named GroupDocs.

In the event of any further query, please feel free to contact.