EETypeLoadException is thrown on ListMessage using IMAP Client (C# .NET)

demo code ,replace your yahoo mail

 ImapClient client = new ImapClient();
            client.Host = "";
            client.Username = "";
            client.Password = "pass";
            client.Port = 993;
                ImapMessageInfoCollection messageInfoCol = client.ListMessages("Inbox");
                foreach (ImapMessageInfo info in messageInfoCol)
                    // Display MIME Message ID
                    Console.WriteLine("Message Id = " + info.MessageId);
            catch (Exception ex)

0x773C2C92 处(位于 usualTest.exe 中)引发的异常: Microsoft C++ 异常: EETypeLoadException,位于内存位置 0x0097B424 处。 出现了

 	KernelBase.dll!773c2c92()	未知
 	[下面的框架可能不正确和/或缺失,没有为 KernelBase.dll 加载符号]	未知
 	msvcr120_clr0400.dll!64c4fb90()	未知
 	clrjit.dll!637a1239()	未知
 	clrjit.dll!637bfa9b()	未知
 	Aspose.Email.dll!#=zYsuOXeOUHwLA9C9vYT51QTQ=.#=zYsuOXeOUHwLA9C9vYT51QTQ=(#=z1o3Vx1acodq8hQUeG9CZxC2A2Tme #=zGiCDtNc=, #=z$cQNWMNRyZFplpLe3FpMid2yIvCa #=zV4YmATAOz2ur, #=zM498wfAPvCAbA8kHwv3fY$eh0auzkJpQbQ==[] #=zFBvBZAu3q1bm, Aspose.Email.Tools.Logging.Logger #=zpIBM1x8NR5Bf, int #=zNhD9u0g=, int #=z$8I2O4I=)	未知
 	Aspose.Email.dll!#=zshwR3x4r75myq4AavIsY_Qgv9qVsWl4v4s19kUw=.#=zshwR3x4r75myq4AavIsY_Qgv9qVsWl4v4s19kUw=(#=z$cQNWMNRyZFplpLe3FpMid2yIvCa #=zGtC8lLM=, #=zM498wfAPvCAbA8kHwv3fY$eh0auzkJpQbQ==[] #=zFBvBZAu3q1bm, Aspose.Email.Tools.Logging.Logger #=zpIBM1x8NR5Bf, int #=zNhD9u0g=, int #=z$8I2O4I=)	未知
 	Aspose.Email.dll!#=z0zQvslSB_C_S8zb048camKzXW9D5Vh4oIcHtCUI=.#=zJxkpPPk=(int #=zNhD9u0g=, int #=z$8I2O4I=)	未知
 	Aspose.Email.dll!#=z$cQNWMNRyZFplpLe3FpMid2yIvCa.#=z96VW$NehbnH1(int #=zNhD9u0g=, #=z2jS6ZhsmHo_A5W_aWRLDc0B4GrF$g1z3ng== #=zo37$3Nc=)	未知
 	Aspose.Email.dll!#=zWDJupmmUSDQe_ik0icb_bty8Lu$n.#=zhstFQeerhm3R()	未知
 	Aspose.Email.dll!#=zWDJupmmUSDQe_ik0icb_bty8Lu$n.#=zlUFH4kU=(System.AsyncCallback #=zxZh_L2Y=, object #=zjYk3GZE=)	未知
 	Aspose.Email.dll!Aspose.Email.Clients.Imap.ImapClient.BeginListMessages(Aspose.Email.Clients.IConnection connection, string folderName, long modificationSequence, bool retrieveRecursively, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> messageExtraFields, System.AsyncCallback callback, object state)	未知
 	Aspose.Email.dll!Aspose.Email.Clients.Imap.ImapClient.ListMessages(Aspose.Email.Clients.IConnection connection, string folderName, long modificationSequence, bool retrieveRecursively, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> messageExtraFields)	未知
 	Aspose.Email.dll!Aspose.Email.Clients.Imap.ImapClient.ListMessages(string folderName)	未知
>	usualTest.exe!usualTest.Program.Main(string[] args) 行 46	C#
 	mscoreei.dll!653bd93b()	未知
 	mscoree.dll!6543e8b9()	未知
 	mscoree.dll!65444e18()	未知
 	kernel32.dll!749b8494()	未知
 	ntdll.dll!77b041c8()	未知
 	ntdll.dll!77b04198()	未知

I use aspose emial 19.5 .net 4.6.1 x86 , chinese language , win10 x64
and it seem no matter with which email


I have observed the stack trace shared by you and it seems related to particular message during fetching. I request you to please provide test account credentials having message causing issue. We will investigate that further on our end to help you out.

In fact, after my tests, it doesn’t matter what mail I use, I get this exception in any mail.
aboive is a test account you can have a try,

EETypeLoadException may be is something about cli/c++ Compile issue after google it


Thank you for sharing the information. I have tried accessing the account and it seems there are some security verification’s needed to access the account. Can you please grant access to account by clearing security access.

Probably the problem with the IP address triggered protection, you can use imap client directly to test.
imap host:
also this is another has no protection mail, you can have try
Actually, I guess he had an exception before logged in. It had nothing to do with account .


I have tried accessing the account on my end using Aspose.Email for .NET 19.5 and there is no issue observed on accessing it. For your kind reference, please refer to following image.

yes, on my hand , pc1 work fine, pc2 get above exception and in my research , it may be some Compile issue ? or what can I do for you to give you more information?
is there any build in log I can do


It doesn’t seems to be an API related issue and we have not been able to reproduce that as well. You have also not been able to reproduce the same on one of machines on your end. I suggest you to please verify the development environments on your both machine instances and validate the difference.

1111.png (87.7 KB)

ok I should do a deep search


Please verify environments and you will find the difference.