Endnote Number Style not set properly

I am working on a document generation project using ASP.net 2.0 and Aspose.Words 5.2
I need to add endnotes to the generated documents and have NumberStyle set to Arabic.
Here is the code fragment used to configure that:

string documentOutputPath ="some valid path";
Aspose.Words.Document masterDocument = new Aspose.Words.Document ();
masterDocument.EndnoteOptions.NumberStyle = NumberStyle.Arabic;
masterDocument.EndnoteOptions.StartNumber = 1;
/// content and endnotes added 

after saving the document, all endnotes had Roman Numbers .
Is this behaviour expected?

Thanks for your inquiry. Here is the same issue as in the following thread.
Best regards.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 5631) have been fixed in this update.