Entrance and Exit classes for Animation - What are these?


I would like to display a text, and on click, cause it to *Disappear*...

So far, I can only find ways to animate something to *Appear* e.g.

EffectEx fx3 = pres.Slides[0].Timeline.MainSequence.AddEffect(ashp, EffectTypeEx.Plus, EffectSubtypeEx.Out, EffectTriggerTypeEx.OnClick);

How would I make ashp (a Rectangle) be displayed on a slide as you navigate to it, then then to Disappear?

Many thanks.

Hi Thomas,

I have tried to understand the requirements shared by you and unfortunately have not been able to completely understand the requirements. Can you please kindly share some more details about the issue along with sample code and presentation exhibiting what is desired.

Many Thanks,