Epub creation - can converted epub's images use percentage instead so scaling works

I am having issues with image scaling in my epubs. I am using Adobe Digital Editions to test.
When resizing fonts or resizing the Adobe Digital Editions application window the images in my epub do not scale.

Attached is my source doc = Test.doc
And the resulting epub = Test.epub

conversion code

Document doc = new Document(_sourceFilePath);
doc.Save(_destinationFilePath, SaveFormat.Epub);

Screenshot of img tags in epub 's html = img.JPG

Scaling is not working because the width and height are not using percentages.

I manually modified the epub and altered the width and height to use percentage and notice that scaling does work. see altertest.epub

Since I don’t have control of the source docs and doing a manual modification is not practical.
Is there an option in Aspose to pro-grammatically indicate that during conversion to epub that all images width and height use percentages.

Thanks in advance.

PS. had to add the .zip to the epubs so upload would work

Hi Brian,

Thanks for your request and sorry for delayed response. Unfortunately, there is no option in Aspose.Words to output size of images in percents. I created a new feature request regarding such option. We will consider adding it in one of future versions.
Best regards.