Epub output format

What ePub specification is aspose.words outputting? If it is not ePub3 are there any plans to implement this in the future?

Hi Abi,

Thanks for you rinquiry.

Currently, EPUB documents are exported as EPUB 2. Unfortunately, Aspose.Words currently does not export documents to EPUB 3.0 format. We will investigate this file format and consider supporting this sometime in the future. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue (WORDSNET-5022) in our issue tracking system and you will be notified as soon as it is available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards,

I endorse the urgent need to upgrade to epub3 support. It is becoming the format of choice for publishers and already well supported by iBooks, for example. http://www.bisg.org/what-we-do-12-152-epub-30-support-grid.php is a good reference on the current state of support and is regularly updated.

It is also particularly valuable for people with a reading impairment as it allows support for and integration with speech.

Hi Abi,

Thanks for the additional information. We will keep you informed of any developments and let you know once it is resolved.

Best regards,