Epub save as option not appearing

After successful installation of Aspose for .net , we tried converting file from doc to epub. But couldn’t find the epub option appearing…Please suggest on this


Thanks for your inquiry. If you need an option “Save as Epub” in MS Word you should install Aspose.Words for MS Word:

Best regards,

We have installed the same link provided. But facing the same problem.


Thanks for your inquiry. Which version of Ms Word do you use?

Best regards,

MS WORD 2007 is the version which we are using.


Thank you for additional information. Please make sure that the following software is installed:

  • .NET Framework 2.0 or newer
  • Microsoft Office Word 2007 Service Pack 2

I just tried to install it on my side and all works fine. Please see the attached screenshot.

Best regards,

Its working now.
