Error in Excel 2010 XLSM - Pivot Table formulae with Aspose.Cells 7.0.4

Hi, following on from issue:, which was successfully resolved in Aspose.Cells version 7.0.3, we have an additional problem with Pivot Table formulae in an XLSM workbook.

The issue is that when the report is generated using Aspose, the calculations in the Pivot Table seem to be picking up the wrong columns from the referenced data sheets.

I have uploaded 2 files: “Report.xlsm” which is the original report template and also “Updated_Report.xlsm” which is the report after Aspose has been used to populate information into the data sheets.
To recreate:
1) Open the Report.xlsm on the ‘Bursts’ tab and click in the Pivot Table which has ‘Approval Status’ listed.
2) Click on ‘options’, ‘fields items and sets’ and then select ‘list formulas’.
3) The new sheet that opens shows the formula for ‘Bursts Outstanding’ is based on “=‘Total Defects’-‘Defects Repaired’” fields which are located in the ‘Data - Bursts’ sheet.
4) Perform the same process on the Updated_Report.xlsm and note that the formula is now referencing the fields “=‘Approval Status’-‘Approver Comments’” which are the first two columns in the ‘Data - Bursts’ sheet instead…

This seems to have defaulted to the first two columns in the reference as opposed to the original from the template.



I simply opened and re-saved your template file with v7.0.4.5 and it works fine. The “list formulas” shows the correct formula as was in the original template XLSM file.

Could you try it and let us know if it works fine with latest version/fix v7.0.4.5

Thank you.

Amjad, thank you very much for this, the issue is resolved.

Many thanks and keep up the good work.