Error Loading the License


We have recently upgraded our Aspose license
to Aspose.Words for .NET V15.11.0 & Aspose.Pdf for .NET V10.6.0.

While converting the word documents in to PDF,

  1. aspose is throwing “error loading license” error.
    2)pdfs are generated as draft copies.
  2. documents containing more than pages are getting truncated.

Note: This is happening randomly. once we receive this error, it is not getting resolved until we recycle the app pool.

Murali Aiely

Our application is MS .Net 4.0 based. Hosted on IIS 8.5 windows 2012.

Hi Murali,

Is it possible for you to share a sample application and the steps to reproduce the issue at our end? We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,