Error printing SharePoint webpage to PDF


I am trying to print a SharePoint web page (the HTML) to PDF using Aspose PDF but when I try to save the pdf file with

“pdf.Save(“filename.pdf”, SaveType.OpenInAcrobat, this.Response);”

but I get the following error:
“Illegal characters in the path”
“Target Site has illegal characters”

The URL is ""
I tried other url without “-” of SharePoint and happens the same error.

Also I have tried to print a .NET application located in the same server and I have no problem.

Is this due to the fact that I am trying to print a SharePoint web page?

Thanks for the help!!

Hello Oscar,

Thanks for your interest in our products.

I am not entirely certain about the reasons of this problem but before I comment further, we need to test this scenario at our end. We apologize for your inconvenience.

Ok, no problem.

Thanks again and let me know if you discover anything.


I think that the error can be in the HTML code instead of being in the path.

Are there special characters that Aspose PDF does not support?
Could be also because in the HTML I use paths for telling the location of jscripts files or images?

If you need the HTML code I can send you.
