Error "The formula contains unrecognised text"


I'm evaluating 7.0.1 and using Excel 2010 and have hit a strange issue.

I have a formula issue when I'm inputting a matrix of formula.
when I open the xls the first inserted formula says #NAME with the error "The formula contains unrecognised text"

if I give the cell focus and press enter it works.
if I reverse the insert order ( same data order ) then the cell is fine and the error moves to the new first cell which was previously ok
if I inset the formula twice it works. ( obviously not ideal! )


insert order 1..4 #NAME? -3.0145423 53.181667 0 0
insert order 4..1 -385 -3.0145423 53.181667 0 #NAME?

Java snippit...

	// list of formula e.g. "-50*(BDP("ED1 FUT","LAST_PRICE")-BDH("ED1 FUT","PX_LAST",$A$1))"
	List values = item.getValues();			
	int originRow = 5;
	int colOffset = 2;
	for (int j = 1; j < values.size(); j++) {
	Cell c = cells.get(originRow, colOffset + j);
	System.out.print(String.format("(\t(F)%s, %s): %s)",originRow ,colOffset + j , values.get( j ) ));
	c.setFormula( "="+values.get( j )  );


=-50*(BDP("ED1 FUT","LAST_PRICE")-BDH("ED1 FUT","PX_LAST",$A$1))
=-0.391499*(BDP("ER1 FUT","LAST_PRICE")-BDH("ER1 FUT","PX_LAST",$A$1))
=6.90671*(BDP("L 1 FUT","LAST_PRICE")-BDH("L 1 FUT","PX_LAST",$A$1))

Any suggestions as this is a pretty decisive issue for what to now has been a pretty good evaluation.


Please try the latest fix: v7.0.1.5

If you still find the issue, give us your template Excel file and paste complete run-able Java program to reproduce the issue on our end, we will check your issue soon.

Thank you.

Hi, tried the .05 release and it had no effect.

zip file contain a rough example of the issue in 2 java files with test data

input and output spreadsheets are included


Hi George,

I have tested your program with your template files and I found the issue in the output file. I got “#NAME?” error on Cell C6 in the sheet in the output file. When I click in the cell and press Enter, it gives me “0” in MS Excel. I have logged a ticket for the issue with an id: CELLSJAVA-31007. We will investigate the issue to figure it out soon.

Thank you.


We have fixed this issue. Please download: Aspose.Cells for Java v7.0.1.6

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 31007) have been fixed in this update.

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