Error Saving SpreadsheetML when a PRINT_AREA exists


I have two XLS files here:

Blank1.xls: An empty spreadsheet
Blank2.xls: An empty spreadsheet with a print area set

When I run the following:

var workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.Open("C:\\Blank1.xls", FileFormatType.Default);
workbook.Save("C:\\Blank1.xml", FileFormatType.SpreadsheetML);

workbook.Open("C:\\Blank2.xls", FileFormatType.Default);
workbook.Save("C:\\Blank2.xml", FileFormatType.SpreadsheetML);

I can open up Blank1.xml with OWC (Office Web Component) without any problem. But when I open up Blank2.xml, an error pops up stating that the named range "PRINT_TITLES" already exists.

Opening the Blank2.xml, I've noticed a problem at line 246:

The named range "PRINT_TITLES" was defined twice in the XML created by Aspose.

Can this be fixed so that we can convert spreadsheets with print areas to spreadsheetML?


Hi Steve,

Thank you for sharing the details.

After testing your issue by creating some test template files (as per the details provided by you). We have found your mentioned issue. We will fix it and get back to you soon.

Thank You & Best Regards,


Please try the attached version, we have fixed your issue.

Thank you.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 8118) have been fixed in this update.

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