Error:System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Cannot find license 'Aspose.Words.lic'

My website migrated from one server to another. the previous site had this functionality which used Aspose but this functionality is not working from new migrated site and i am getting the following error.

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Cannot find license ‘Aspose.Words.lic’. at x28925c9b27b37a46.x220f433da4115056.xde6236852622c268(String x1c1fc72fe1a3b4ea, Assembly x39e0a96279c40baa) at x28925c9b27b37a46.x220f433da4115056.x7d0214bf69711dd9(String x1c1fc72fe1a3b4ea, Assembly x5807f920b6fc67c4) at RtfDocGenerator.readTemplate2(String ID, String Document, String Output) at Get_Document.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)


‘Cannot find license ‘Aspose.Words.lic’’ exception shows that the SetLicense method does not find the license file. Please make sure that the file name used in SetLicense method is correct.

We suggest you please read following article about applying license.
Applying a License