Error When Adding Certain Paragraphs: "Invalid index in Cells indexer: 0"

I’m getting an error which states “Invalid index in Cells indexer: 0” when trying to add an Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Table to an Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Section object using its .AddParagraph() method.

Looking at the table in the Immediate Window, it has the following properties:

Alignment: Left
BackgroundColor: null
Bookmarked: Unknown
Border: null
BreakText: null
ColumnAdjustment: Customized
ColumnWidths: “3.5cm 3.5cm 11.5cm”
CornerStyle: None
DefaultCellBorder: null
DefaultCellPadding: {Aspose.Pdf.Generator.MarginInfo}
DefaultCellTextInfo: {Aspose.Pdf.Generator.TextInfo}
DefaultColumnWidth: null
FixedHeight: 0
FixedWidth (Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Paragraph): 0
FixedWidth: -1
ID: null
IsBroken: true
IsDisabled: false
IsEmptyRowAtBottomShown: false
IsFirstParagraph: false
IsFirstParagraphInColumn: false
IsFirstRowRepeated: false
IsFitToPage: false
IsFixedRowHeightContentClip: false
IsInList: false
IsKeptTogether: false
IsKeptWithNext: false
IsNeedRepeating: false
IsOnOddPage: false
IsOriginalVerticalBrokenTable: true
IsRowBroken: true
IsSingleHeaderShown: true
IsVerticalBroken: false
IsVerticalBrokenInSamePage: false
IsWordWrapped: true
Left: -1
Margin: {Aspose.Pdf.Generator.MarginInfo}
PositioningType: Auto
ReferenceParagraphID: null
RepeatingRowStyle: null
RepeatingRows: 0
Rows: {Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Rows}
Title: null
Top: -1
UseTOCasTargetList: false
VerticalAlignment: Top

Hi Robin,

Thanks for your inquiry. Please share your sample code here, we will look into it and will guide you accordingly.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Best Regards,