Error when fill data to pdf form

Dear support team,

I’m using aspose.pdf to fill data form excel to pdf form, but error occurs when data of excel file has multiple row (Tested with 200 row excel file)

1. First I’m using AutoFiller and it throw error “Error happened during parsing” detail in file attachment
2. Then I’m trying to use InteractiveFeatures.Forms. It work well with excel file has less 100 records, but it throw exception “Thread was being aborted” when I increase number of record to more 200

Please check detail in attachments file!

Note: I’m using aspose.pdf -

Thanks in advance!

Hi Bao,

Thanks for your inquiry. I have tested the AutoFiller scenario with 200 rows using following code snippet, although it takes some time but does not throw the exception. Please share your sample code for AutoFiller and Forms object so we will test your scenario exactly at our end and will guide you accordingly.

FileStream fs = new
FileStream(myDir + “TemplateExcel-200.xlsx”,FileMode.Open);<o:p></o:p>

Aspose.Cells.Workbook wb = new Aspose.Cells.Workbook(fs);

Aspose.Cells.Worksheet ws= wb.Worksheets[1];

DataTable dt = ws.Cells.ExportDataTable(2,1,200,7,true);

AutoFiller autoFiller = new AutoFiller();

autoFiller.BindPdf(myDir + "PhieuThongTin-AutoFill.pdf");

autoFiller.OutputFileName = myDir + "PhieuThongTin-AutoFill_out.pdf";



We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Best Regards,

Tilal Ahmad,

I was found the cause of this error occurs. It’s throw exception when I execute AutoFiller in a long time process.

Anyway thanks Tilal very much!

Hi Bao,

Thanks for sharing the feedback. We are glad to hear that you have managed to figure out the reasons of this problem. However if you are still facing an issue while using our API, please share some sample project so that we can test the conversion in our environment. We are sorry for this inconvenience.