Error when using DTS to import Aspose.Cell-generated xlsx file

The error is “External table is not in the expected format”

We first got this error back in 2007 and contacted Aspose. Recently we upgraded to and still have the same problem.

My understanding from our first contact with Lawrence is due to some internal flag in Excel wasn’t set properly (likely due to the lack of details from Microsoft), and we wonder if any progress has been made in resolving this issue.



Could you give us more details about your issue, you may provide sample codes, template files or sample project etc to show the issue. We will check your issue soon.

BTW could you try the attached version / lastet fix ( if it can resolve your issue.

Thank you.

Thanks. The replication step is really quite straight forward:

(1) Use Aspose.cell to generate a xlsx file;

(2) Use SQL DTS, try to import the data from the generated xlsx file and you will get the error.

If I open xlsx file using Excel 2007 and then save it, the error will be gone, which suggests Aspose-generated xlsx file missing something.

Also, we have to sue DTS, as it is our engine for importing different types of data, which means we can NOT use the alternative Cells.ExportDataTable, suggested by Laurence.

I checked the release notes for recent versions and didn’t find any specific mentioning on if this bug is fixed or not. Considerign upgrading to newer version involves some security policy and further authorization issue, can you try the above step first, to see if the bug is resolved in the new version?

Here are some previous notes from Laurence and you might want to check him for more details (like how does he reproduce this exactly): also include his answer pose address here:

Laurence’s previous Answer Post:

File format issue?

Dear Win,

Some tricky part in Excel file record is unknown to us so we omit it. There isn’t any problem when you use MS Excel to open the created file. However when you use SQL server DTS to transfer the data, DTS may need a more strict file format.

I will work on this issue but it will take long time. Could you try to use the Cells.ExportDataTable method to export the data to a DataTable then import it to SQL server?


Laurence Chen

Chief Architect

Aspose Nanjing Team

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Thanks for providing us further details.

We will check you issue soon.

Thank you.


Please try the attached fix. If you still has any problems, please post your generated file. We will check it soon.

Thank you.

Thanks, Amjad: this new DLL passed our initial test and I’ll let you know if there is more issue.

Again, appreciate your attention and follow-up on this matter!