Errors in images extracted from PPT slides using getThumbnail

Using the Slide.getThumbnail method, we are getting errors in the resulting image files, in certain cases. For example, there are elements in the slide (like a text element) that are missing in the output image file. Or there are elements in the slide that are in the wrong location in the output image file.

Other issues include:
- font issues
– color issues (such as color reversal and shadow fill)
– lack of support for various graphical objects (dropped entirely, or just partially rendered).

I’m attaching 15 example.ppt slides along with the15 images output by the Slide.getThumbnail method. By visually inspecting the sides and the corresponding images, you should be able to see the inconsistencies.

Could someone please take a look and let us know if you can reproduce the errors and if there will be fixes for these in a future release.


Hi Shane,

An issue with issue id 12562 has been created for investigation. You will be informed as soon as this issue is resolved.