Evaluation EXCEL sheet page still showing even with license file activated


I have the problem that the evaluation page still comes up in the spreadsheet the customer sees

i followed Aspose.Total for .NET|Documentation

and added the license file as a resource as explained in the above html page.

put the file on the IIS webserver and its still gives the NAGGING page.

please help!

Regards Piet.


Please make sure that your licensing code should be processed, it is possible that your licensing code is processing at all. And, for a web application, you should use Application_Start or other suitable event in Global.asax file to paste your licensing code there, and specify the correct path in License.SetLicense() method. For your information, the licensing code should be processed at least once in the whole application life cycle, and it should be processed before you use other API of the Aspose.Cells component.

Moreover, if your license file path is not right, Aspose.Cells would give always you exception for SetLicense() method.

Thank you.

The license code is a resource so its present

the setlicense is executed before using aspose.cells
it does not give an exception
when i tried using the license as a file and removed it it did give an exception
if i put it as a file in the same dir as the aspose.dll it does not give an exception
both cases wind up into an excel file with the evalution warning sheet
this now takes a lot of customer complaints so i would appreciate a way to solve this

Regards Piet


Please create a sample console application (containing your license file) via mail. We will check it soon.
To email (with your attachment(s)), please follow the below mentioned steps:

1: click the Contact button in the Post

2: In the drop down list options click "Send Amjad Sahi an Email”.

3: Attach the template project and send it (you may zip the files prior attaching it).

4: Once you have done it, kindly confirm us here in this thread.

Thank you.

Creating the console application results in a correct spreadsheet without evaluation scheet

ill try to find the difference between the console app and the asp.net context

any experience / tip

regards piet

Sorry my fault.

i inherited the code and there was another place where the code messed it up.
thx for the trouble it now works.

Regards Piet