Evaluation Message on Prod

Hi...I am currently working for a company which owns enterprise license from Aspose.. I am facing a problem currently....On My prod environment i am getting the Evaluation message when i try to export to excel.. The same license works well on the local and even on the test environment...But the issue exists on both stage and prod... Can you please tell me why is this happening... Am i missing something??? Thanks, Akshay


Please see the document:

Generally, the issue should be related to deployment problem and nothing to do with Aspose.Cells. If a license file works fine (e.g on local server), it should work equally fine on other servers / environments too. Normally the users utilize Application_Start or Session_Start events etc. in the global.asax file to place the licensing code there. So, it is quite possible that the Application_Start / Session_Start event(s) isn’t fired to process the licensing code on their new location(s). It is to be noted here, Aspose.Cells will always throw an exception if the component cannot find the license file in a path. The users should make sure that licensing code (wherever they place) should be processed and events should be triggered in which the put the licensing code. The user can re-start the related service i.e…, “World Wide Web Publishing” and try to trace whether Application_Start / Session_Start events get triggered when they visit their projects on the new server environment.

Thank you.