Evaluation version of .Words for Java truncating tables

When we come across a table within Word the document is tructated at that point with a message placed in the Word document that this is an evaluation version. Is this a problem handling tables or is it really because of the evaluation version? We thoought the evaluation version was not reduced capability.

Thanks for your interest in Aspose products. This is an evaluation message inserted automatically when using Aspose.Words in evaluation mode (e.g. without a license). To remove the message, you need to buy a license and apply it programmatically before instantiating the Document object. You can also request a free 30-days temporary license to evaluate Aspose.Words without the message. See the following link.
Evaluation version of Aspose.Words (without a license specified) provides full product functionality, but it injects an evaluation watermark at the top of the document on open and save and limits the maximum document size to several hundred paragraphs.
Best regards.

Our concern is not the evaluation message. Our concern is that .Words can not handle tables within a Word document. We have even tried putting a table at the very beginning of the Word document and the result is an empty Word document–other than the evaluation message. So, does anyone know if Aspose.Words can handle tables and it is just the evaluation version that can not?

Thanks for more information. If the document contains a big table and you use an evaluation version of Aspose.Words then this table can be truncated. You will get the following message in the document: “This document was truncated here because it was created using Aspose.Words in Evaluation Mode.”.
Could you please attach your document? I will try to open/save it on my side and provide you more information.
Best regards.

Attached is the test sample we were using. Thank you for taking a look at this.

Thank you for additional information. It seems that this is realy an evaluation watermark.
Best regards.