Excel to PDF conversion in .NET Standard environment with Aspose.Cells

Thanks @ahsaniqbalsidiqui - that would be fantastic.

You are welcome.

Hi @ahsaniqbalsidiqui - any luck resolving this issue?

Kind regards,

We are collecting information in this regard and will share our feedback soon.

Hello @darcher
we are checking this problem and we expect to provide a fix version tomorrow .

Hello @darcher
please try the new FIX version:
Aspose.Cells21.5.4 For .NetStandard20.Zip (5.5 MB)

When using the Fix DLL, please manually reference the following NuGet package:
“System.Drawing.Common” Version=“4.7.0”
“System.Text.Encoding.CodePages” Version=“4.7.0”

And do the following Settings before new a workbook:
CellsHelper.DPI = 96;
CellsHelper.IsCloudPlatform = true;

Hi @leoluo

That patch seems to have done the trick! Thank you!

Do I continue to use this patch, or do you expect this fix to make it into the next Aspose.Cells nuget release?

Kind regards,

Hi @darcher:
Glad to know the problem has been solved.
Yes, this fix will take effect in next nuget version 20.6, but you can temporarily use the Fix version until then.