Controlling row size in Excel to SVG image conversion with Aspose.Cells for .NET API in C#

When saving workbook as SVG, the row height in the SVG file is not rendered correctly. I have varying row sizes but there are several rows where the row height in the worksheet is set to 35. The SVG shrinks these rows to fit the text.

In another row, the text is set to vertical or 90 degrees with wrapping. The row height is set to 120 and when the SVG is rendered, the text is not wrapped as in the worksheet and the row height is expanded to height of longest text.

Rendering to bitmap or Jpeg is correct but the file size is too large for inserting into Powerpoint. The bitmap created is over 2 MB and I am inserting 30 or 40 images to the presentation resulting in the presentation too large to email. The save as SVG results in a file that is 33 KB.

autoFitter = new AutoFitterOptions();
autFillter IgnoreHidden = true;

SvgSaveOptions svgOptions = new SvgSaveOptions;

svgOptions.ImageOrPrintOptions.OnePagePerSheet = true;
svgOptions.ImageOrPrintOptions.SaveFormat = SaveFormat.SVG
svgOptions.ImageOrPrintOptions…EmfType = EmfType.EmfPlus;
workbook.Save(svgOutFile, svgOptions);

I have also tried
workbook.Save(svgOutFile, SaveFormat.SVG);

Both save options results in Row Height begin adjusted to text height.

Please share your sample files and screenshots with us for our testing. We will reproduce the problem and provide our feedback after analysis.

I will have to create a sample spreadsheet and code and send it. Unfortunately, I cannot send you the spreadsheet or sample files because it is on a network that is not accessible to machines outside the network or the internet.

You may please take your time to arrange the requested data for our analysis. We will use it to reproduce problem and share our feedback.

Found a fix.

AutoFitterOptions autoFitter = new AutoFitterOptions;

rows render properly
cell wrapping works

Only issue is some of the cells have a very faint white border around them


Good to know that your issue is sorted out partially. Regarding your recent concern (cells have a very faint white border around them), we need template files (input file and output SVG) and screenshots to evaluate your issue precisely to consequently figure it out soon.