Exception: At most 4 elements (for any collection) can be viewed in evaluation mode exception

Hi Support

Exception: At most 4 elements (for any collection) can be viewed in evaluation mode

Here are the details of some of the aspose products that we are using.

Aspose Pdf:
Aspose words:
Aspose cells:
Aspose Slides:
License: Aspose.Total.lic ( Paid version - not a trail)
Subscription Expiry date: 2018-11-21
LicenseVersion: 3.0
Platform: .NET

We are using Aspose to convert document to pdf files thus receiving “At most 4 elements (for any collection) can be viewed in evaluation mode exception” error in development phase. I confirm that we are not using the free trail version but using a Full paid version and also the aspose dll’s that we are using has release date < subscription expiry date.
my subscription expiry date is 2018-11-21

Also, we currently set the license from the disk

Aspose.Cells.License lice = New Aspose.Cells.License();


I understand that when a trial version products are used there are two limitations to it…
#1. Watermark
#2. At most 4 elements can be viewed in evaluation mode.

but my case is purely paid.

Issue occur in
PdfPageEditor editor = new PdfPageEditor();
for(int i=0;i<editor.getPages();i++)
var width = editor.GetPageSize(i).Width;


The exception occurs when getting information of 5th page it will throw exception
could you please tell us the solution asap?.

You may send us your license in a private message by clicking on my name and then clicking the “Message” option. We will reproduce the issue here using your license and share the feedback. If possible send us one of your sample Excel file also.

Sorry. The License file cannot be shared even if it is private message it is Confidential.
could you please try your aspose license i can share the excel sheet.

We are afraid that this issue cannot be tested without the license and some template file. You may please consider sharing the problematic license, runnable sample code and sample file for a speedy resolution of this issue.

HI ahsaniqbalsidiqui

Let me try to create a sample code and file and meanwhile can you please share your Email id to communicate further. because this communication and sharing of license need approval.

You may please send this license in the private message as data shared by this option is secure and can be accessed by me only. We ensure the user data security at Aspose and delete the user data permanently after resolving the issue.