Exception: Indexed colorspace with procedure instead of palette in image

We are trying to convert EPS files to PDF files using latest Aspose.Page .NET library.
But there is an exception when we are saving the document:

Indexed colorspace with procedure instead of palette in image!

   at #=zuBE0K$o$gxl2umzmOiBb0_6WliMEeu6rB8_d0PvYaWBK.#=z$Yg4egs=(#=z1gXOhOlLeGXF885oc8y4uZFV7_Fj32UGHyjk9FIGEVUf #=zr1MlTB0=)
   at #=zw77lbcnxsMLzM5ZuICVVO2oHVZMUyhJhE5qY3EwLzy2E.#=zwntqucB331RL(#=z1gXOhOlLeGXF885oc8y4uZFV7_Fj32UGHyjk9FIGEVUf #=zr1MlTB0=)
   at #=zKwqzW9vbfTv9zrTEBYVeYlbEPoZGSa7uNjo4HUA=.#=zx0uhqMo=(Boolean #=zlk1uHtc=)
   at #=zKwqzW9vbfTv9zrTEBYVeYlbEPoZGSa7uNjo4HUA=.#=zQ$AR1As=()
   at #=zKwqzW9vbfTv9zrTEBYVeYlbEPoZGSa7uNjo4HUA=.#=zmOOAtRU=(Boolean #=z6wbEaqR9rPOz)
   at Aspose.Page.EPS.PsDocument.#=znR3$Z0X5ZWrJ(SaveOptions #=zdXGS2ks=, Device #=z0BulzFY=)
   at Aspose.Page.EPS.PsDocument.#=z6UbXlNI=(SaveOptions #=zdXGS2ks=, Device #=z0BulzFY=)
   at Aspose.Page.EPS.PsDocument.Save(Device device, SaveOptions options)

Can you explain what this error actually means? It looks like a custom library message.
Attached is the file we trying to convert.
test_updated.zip (120.2 KB)


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