Exception:The newChild was created from a different document than the one that created this node

I am getting the exception “The newChild was created from a different document than the one that created this node.”

We have Report where we use more than one relationship to display the data and this will be generated in 3 formats PDF, HTML and Word.

we are using following software.
Visual Studio : 2005
Dotnet Frame work:2.0
Template:Microsoft word 2007
Aspose.words version:
The following code is part of the main function

#Region " Sub : GenerateDocument "
Public Overrides Sub GenerateDocument()
    If Me.TemplatePath Is Nothing OrElse Me.TemplatePath.Trim.Equals("") Then
        Throw New Exception("Template path not set.")
    End If
    ' set license
    Dim licenseFile As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("AsposeLicenseFile")
    If (Not licenseFile Is Nothing) AndAlso (Not String.Empty.Equals(licenseFile)) Then
        If Not Me.HttpContext Is Nothing Then
            ' called from webui; map virtual path to physical path
            licenseFile = Me.HttpContext.Server.MapPath(Me.HttpContext.Request.ApplicationPath & licenseFile)

        End If
        Dim asposeWordLicense As New Aspose.Words.License
        Dim asposePdfLicense As New Aspose.Pdf.License
        'Added by Arvind for EXCEL
        Dim asposeExcelLicense As New Aspose.Excel.License

    End If
    ' Create new document from the Template
    Dim document As Aspose.Words.Document
    Dim designer As ExcelDesigner
        If Not Me.OutputType = OutputType.EXCEL Then
            document = New Aspose.Words.Document(Me.TemplatePath)

        End If
        If Me.OutputType = OutputType.EXCEL Then
            designer = New ExcelDesigner
            Dim designerFile As String = Me.TemplatePath

        End If
    Catch ex As System.ObjectDisposedException
        ' ignore ObjectDisposedException error
    End Try
    ' set repetitive fields
    If Me.Relation Is Nothing AndAlso (Me.Relations Is Nothing OrElse Me.Relations.Count = 0) Then

        ' No master- child relation 
        Dim enumerator As IDictionaryEnumerator = Me.DocumentTableList.GetEnumerator()
        While enumerator.MoveNext
            Dim dataTable As System.Data.DataTable = enumerator.Value
            If Not Me.OutputType = OutputType.EXCEL Then

            End If
            If Me.OutputType = OutputType.EXCEL Then

            End If
        End While
    ElseIf (Not Me.Relations Is Nothing) AndAlso (Me.Relations.Count > 1) Then
        If Not Me.OutputType = OutputType.EXCEL Then
            Dim dstDoc As Aspose.Words.Document = document.Clone()
            Me.IsFirstPage = True

            For Each relation As DataRelation In Me.Relations
                ProcessRelation(relation, document, dstDoc)
            document = dstDoc

        End If
        If Me.OutputType = OutputType.EXCEL Then
            ProcessExcelRelations(Me.Relation, designer)
        End If
    ElseIf Not Me.Relation Is Nothing Then
        If Not Me.OutputType = OutputType.EXCEL Then
            Dim dstDoc As Aspose.Words.Document = document.Clone()
            ProcessRelation(Me.Relation, document, dstDoc)

            document = dstDoc

        End If
        If Me.OutputType = OutputType.EXCEL Then
            ProcessExcelRelation(Me.Relation, designer)
        End If
    End If

    ' set static fields
    If Not Me.StaticFieldsList Is Nothing Then
        If Not Me.OutputType = OutputType.EXCEL Then
            If document.Sections.Count.Equals(0) Then
                Throw New Exception(Constants.NoRecordsFound)

            End If

        End If
    End If
    Select Case Me.SaveType
        Case SaveType.Save
            If Not Me.OutputType = OutputType.EXCEL Then
                Save(document, Me.OutputType)

            End If
            If Me.OutputType = OutputType.EXCEL Then
            End If
        Case SaveType.Browser
            If Not Me.OutputType = OutputType.EXCEL Then
                SendToBrowser(document, Me.OutputType)

            End If
            If Me.OutputType = OutputType.EXCEL Then
            End If
        Case SaveType.SaveAndBrowser
            If Not Me.OutputType = OutputType.EXCEL Then
                Save(document, Me.OutputType)
                SendToBrowser(document, Me.OutputType)

            End If
            If Me.OutputType = OutputType.EXCEL Then
            End If
    End Select
End Sub
#End Region

#Region " Sub : ProcessRelation "
Protected Sub ProcessRelation(ByRef relation As DataRelation, ByRef document As Aspose.Words.Document, ByRef dstDoc As Aspose.Words.Document)
    ' master-child tables
    Dim parentTable As DataTable = relation.ParentTable Dim builder As DocumentBuilder
    ' get all child relations for this table

    For Each childRelation As DataRelation In Me.Relations
        If parentTable Is childRelation.ParentTable Then
            ' exclude all child relation, bcos child reltions will be processed recursively
            If Not IsChildRelation(childRelation) Then
                For Each parentRow As DataRow In parentTable.Rows
                    If (parentRow.GetChildRows(childRelation).Length > 0) Then

                        If Not Me.IsFirstPage Then
                            Me.IsFirstPage = False
                        End If
                    End If
                    ProcessParentRow(parentRow, childRelation, parentTable, document, dstDoc)
            End If
        End If
End Sub
#End Region
#Region " Function : ProcessParentRow "
Private Sub ProcessParentRow(ByRef parentRow As DataRow, ByRef childRelation As DataRelation,
    ByRef parentTable As DataTable, ByRef document As Aspose.Words.Document,
    ByRef dstDoc As Aspose.Words.Document)
    If parentRow.GetChildRows(childRelation).Length > 0 Then

        ' Each parent record needs a complete copy of the template.
        ' Making a copy in memory is much faster than opening the document every time from a file.
        Dim parentSectionNumber As String = GetSectionNumber(childRelation)
        Dim parentRecordDoc As Aspose.Words.Document = GetDocumentSection(document, parentSectionNumber)

        ' no header for HTML
        If Me.OutputType = OutputType.HTML Then
            If parentRecordDoc.Sections.Count > 0 Then
            End If
        End If
        ' fill parent record fields using normal mail merge.
        'add generated parent record document to the complete report.
        'AppendDoc(dstDoc, parentRecordDoc)
        ' Retrieve child records for this parent & fill table in the report.
        Dim childTable As DataTable childTable = childRelation.ChildTable.Clone
        For Each childRow As DataRow In parentRow.GetChildRows(childRelation)

        If Me.NestedRelation Then
            Dim nextRelation As DataRelation = GetNextRelation(childRelation)

            If nextRelation Is Nothing Then
                ' next relation not found, process child records
                'Dim childSectionNumber As String = GetSectionNumber(childRelation, True)
                'Dim childRecordDoc As Aspose.Words.Document = GetDocumentSection(document, childSectionNumber)

                'AppendDoc(dstDoc, childRecordDoc)
                ' merge summary for child table
                AppendDoc(dstDoc, parentRecordDoc)
                'First Append Parent Record
                AppendDoc(dstDoc, parentRecordDoc)
                ' next relation found, recursively process next relation
                SetChildTableForRelation(nextRelation, childTable)
                Dim nextTable As DataTable = nextRelation.ParentTable
                For Each nextTableRow As DataRow In nextTable.Rows
                    ProcessParentRow(nextTableRow, nextRelation, nextTable, document, dstDoc)
            End If
            'The last thing to do is to add just generated parent record document to the complete report.
            AppendDoc(dstDoc, parentRecordDoc)
        End If
    End If
End Sub
#End Region

#Region " Function : GetDocumentSection "
Private Function GetDocumentSection(ByRef document As Aspose.Words.Document, ByVal sectionNumber As String) As Aspose.Words.Document
    If String.Empty.Equals(sectionNumber & "") Then
        Return document.Clone()
    End If
    Dim result As New Aspose.Words.Document
    For Each relation As DataRelation In Me.Relations
        If relation.ExtendedProperties("SectionNumber") = sectionNumber Then
            Dim section As Section = document.Sections(sectionNumber)
            'result.Sections.Insert(0, document.Sections(sectionNumber).Clone())

            result.Sections.Add(section) '' ExceptionThe newChild was created from a different document than the one that created this node.
        End If
    Return result
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Function : GetSectionNumber "
Public Function GetSectionNumber(ByRef relation As DataRelation, Optional ByVal lastSection As Boolean = False) As String Dim key As String If lastSection Then
key = "LastSectionNumber"
    key = "SectionNumber"
    End If
    If relation.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey(key) Then
        Return relation.ExtendedProperties(key).ToString()

    End If
    Return String.Empty
End Function
#End Region

#Region " Function : GetNextRelation "
Public Function GetNextRelation(ByRef parentRelation As DataRelation) As DataRelation
    Dim result As DataRelation
    If parentRelation.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("NextRelation") Then
        result = parentRelation.ExtendedProperties("NextRelation")

    End If
    Return result
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Sub : AppendDoc "
Private Sub AppendDoc(ByVal dstDoc As Aspose.Words.Document, ByVal srcDoc As Aspose.Words.Document)
    While srcDoc.Sections.Count > 0
        Dim section As Section = srcDoc.Sections(0)

        'The section must first be removed before it can be inserted into a document.
    End While
End Sub
#End Region

#Region " Sub : ProcessExcelRelations "
Protected Sub ProcessExcelRelations(ByRef relation As DataRelation, ByRef document As ExcelDesigner) ', ByRef dstDoc As Aspose.Excel.Worksheet)
    Dim parentTable As DataTable = relation.ParentTable
    Dim PrntTable As New DataTable PrntTable = relation.ParentTable.Clone
    Dim ChdTable As New DataTable ChdTable = relation.ChildTable.Clone

    For Each row As DataRow In parentTable.Rows
        Dim dr As DataRow() = parentTable.Select(row(relation.ParentColumns(0).ColumnName))
        For Each childRow As DataRow In row.GetChildRows(relation)

        If Me.NestedRelation Then
            RecursiveFunctionForExcel(document, ChdTable, relation)
        End If
End Sub
#End Region

#Region "RecursiveFunctionForExcel"
Private Sub RecursiveFunctionForExcel(ByRef document As ExcelDesigner, ByRef parenttbl As DataTable, ByRef relation As DataRelation)
    Dim nextRelation As DataRelation = Me.GetNextRelation(relation)
    Dim newRelation As New DataRelation(nextRelation.RelationName, nextRelation.ParentTable.Columns(nextRelation.ParentColumns(0).ColumnName), parenttbl.Columns(nextRelation.ChildColumns(0).ColumnName))
    Dim secondchildtable As DataTable = newRelation.ParentTable For Each row1 As DataRow In secondchildtable.Rows
Dim nextPrntTable As DataTable = newRelation.ParentTable.Clone
    Dim dr As DataRow() = secondchildtable.Select(row1(newRelation.ParentColumns(0).ColumnName))
    Dim mainTable As New DataTable mainTable = newRelation.ChildTable.Clone
    For Each childRow As DataRow In row1.GetChildRows(newRelation)

    If Not Me.GetNextRelation(nextRelation) Is Nothing Then
        RecursiveFunctionForExcel(document, mainTable, nextRelation)

        If Not Me.StaticFieldsList Is Nothing Then
            If Not Me.ColumnsCount Is Nothing Then
                Dim iEnum As IDictionaryEnumerator = Me.ColumnsCount.GetEnumerator
                While iEnum.MoveNext()
                    Dim columnName As String = CType(iEnum.Value, String)
                    Dim templateColumnName As String = CType(iEnum.Key, String)
                    Dim myTotCount As DataColumn = mainTable.Columns.Add("myTotCount")
                    myTotCount.Expression = "count(columnName)"
                    document.SetDataSource(templateColumnName, New String(mainTable.Rows(0)("myTotCount").ToString))

                End While
            End If
            If Not Me.ColumnsSum Is Nothing Then
                Dim iEnum As IDictionaryEnumerator = Me.ColumnsSum.GetEnumerator
                While iEnum.MoveNext()
                    Dim columnName As String = CType(iEnum.Value, String)
                    Dim templateColumnName As String = CType(iEnum.Key, String)
                    Dim myTotCount As DataColumn = mainTable.Columns.Add("myTotCount")
                    myTotCount.Expression = "sum(columnName)"
                    document.SetDataSource(templateColumnName, New String(mainTable.Rows(0)("myTotCount").ToString))

                End While
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub
#End Region


Thanks for your request. Such exception can only occur if you insert nodes from one document into another. So please make sure that you do not do this.
If you need copy nodes between documents you should use ImportNode method or NodeImporter:
Best regards,