Exception while creating new PST in low disk space

Following exception was thrown while trying to create a PST file in a disk with low space.

class com.aspose.email.system.exceptions.IOException: File was not deleted: F:\test.pst
com.aspose.email.internal.n.ze.b(Unknown Source)

At certain other times, the following exception was thrown.

com.aspose.email.system.exceptions.FileNotFoundException: File not found File: F:\test.pst
File name: ‘F:\test.pst’ —> F:\test.pst (There is not enough space on the disk)
com.aspose.email.internal.ev.zd.(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.email.internal.ev.zd.(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.email.internal.ev.zd.(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.email.system.io.FileStream.(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.email.system.io.FileStream.(Unknown Source)

It would be better if the error messages are consistent and also the PST file that got created was not released properly and hence cannot be accessed by any other program.


Can you please share source code so that we may further investigate to help you out.

Hi @Adnan.Ahmad, the source code does nothing but call this method, PersonalStorage.create(filename, 0). Just check this method to create a PST in a disk that has less free space, say less than an MB.


I like to inform that you should control such errors yourself and handle them properly. Checking for disk space issues is beyond the scope of our product.

@Adnan.Ahmad, Okay then. But there is this problem that the PST file that got created was not released properly and hence cannot be accessed by any other program.


I have observed your following comments. Can you please elaborate this point and share how it can be reproduced.