ExchangeClient Save Getting Stuck


I am using Aspose.Network to save message in my inbox to a local drive. Please find below sample code

ExchangeClient client = new ExchangeClient(mailboxUri, username, password, domain);

ExchangeMessageInfoCollection MsgColl = client.ListMessages("https://inboxurl/inbox");

for (int i = 0; i

string strPath = @“H:\Exchange Server 2003 SDK\Inbox” + MsgColl[i].UniqueUri.Substring(MsgColl[i].UniqueUri.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

client.SaveMessage(MsgColl[i].UniqueUri, strPath);


But save is getting stuck for some messages i think for messages that are a mail chain. Can someone pls help.



Hello, John,

1. I would like to know the problem is caused by ListMessage function or the SaveMessage function?

2. Do you know what url input for the SaveMessage function if it is the SaveMessage function problem?

3. Any exceptions? If yes, could you please post the Exception.ToString() ?

4. Is there any chance to give me the account and password for debugging?


Hi, The issue happened when i called save on ExchangeClient. Instead when i first called fetch on ExchangeClient and then did the save on the message it worked well.