Existing template

Is there a quick sample somewhere of opening an existing excel spreadsheet template onto a web site, populating a few of the cells and letting the user download the completed template?

Or point me at the right API's?



Following is a sample code that you can consult to it. I used this code on an asp.net web form:

Sample code:

Workbook book = new Workbook();
string path = Server.MapPath(".");
book.Open(path + "/MyExcelTemplate.xls");
Worksheet sheet1 = book.Worksheets["MySheet"];
//some sample values
book.Save("ResultantBook.xls", FileFormatType.Default, SaveType.OpenInExcel, HttpContext.Current.Response);
For further reference, please check the topics:
Thank you.

Thank you kindly, its really very simple :)

Tell me, is the evaluation version crippled when it comes to saving a file? I just opened my template and resaved it and I end up with only one sheet in the output that is the Evaluation Warning

The template opens nicely, I can verify by reading the values in some of the cells.

Thanks again


Thank you for considering Aspose.

Well, there are no restrictions in Evaluation version of Aspose.Cells. It provide full functionality as a license version. It only adds an extra sheet with Evaluation warning as the last sheet of your generated workbook. Otherwise, it provide complete functionality.

Please share your template file and code here, so we can check it.

Thank You & Best Regards,

It was the templates fault, it was cleverly hiding the other sheets on me :) Thank you for the amazingly fast responses.
