We are having an issue with exporting of HTML from hidden worksheet.
When export html is executed for a hidden worksheet the result are unexpected.
it may export the previous exported range, on other cases, it may exports the entire workbook.
Please see the code example below, the input Excel file is in the attached zip file, the zip file also includes the output HTMLs (out1, out2) you can see that the second output is the same as the first one.
Please advice,
Hidden-WS.zip (16.0 KB)
public static void ExportHiddenHtml()
Workbook wbc = null;
using (FileStream ms = new FileStream("export_hidden.xlsx", FileMode.Open))
wbc = new Workbook(ms, new LoadOptions(LoadFormat.Xlsx));
var range = wbc.Worksheets.Names["PUBLISH_1"].GetRange();
var worksheetIndex = range.Worksheet.Index;
wbc.Worksheets[worksheetIndex].PageSetup.PrintArea = range.Address;
wbc.Worksheets.ActiveSheetIndex = worksheetIndex;
using var html = new MemoryStream();
wbc.Save(html, HtmlSaveOptions);
File.WriteAllBytes(@"c:\temp\out1.html", html.ToArray());
var range2 = wbc.Worksheets.Names["PUBLISH_2"].GetRange();
worksheetIndex = range2.Worksheet.Index;
//if (!wbc.Worksheets[worksheetIndex].IsVisible)
// wbc.Worksheets[worksheetIndex].IsVisible = true;
wbc.Worksheets[worksheetIndex].PageSetup.PrintArea = range2.Address;
wbc.Worksheets.ActiveSheetIndex = worksheetIndex;
using var html2 = new MemoryStream();
wbc.Save(html2, HtmlSaveOptions);
File.WriteAllBytes(@"c:\temp\out2.html", html2.ToArray());