Export new SVG to memory stream

Hi Team

Putting SVGs into IOutputStorage(s) works great, but only for editing, not for creating.
I am referring to a solution of this post (Save SVGDocument to stream) and this doc page (Save an SVG Document – C#)
Is it possible to save an SVG to memory that does not have a name?


When you say above, can you please elaborate a bit more about what you mean actually? We would like to understand clearly about your requirements. We will proceed with our investigation and generate a ticket for your requirements.

When I try to save a new SVG created by using(var document = new SVGDocument()) through the suggested MemoryOutputStorage there’s the exception Failed to parse base URL: .\ because the name is empty. This is not an exception thrown in the MemoryOutputStorage, but in the SVGDocument.Save() method.


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): SVGNET-318

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