Export to Excel

Good afternoon

I am evaluating Aspose.Cell and I have problems creating subtotals in which I indicate that the subtotals are located at the top, it is doing badly.

Please could you tell me where the error is.
I attach the Excel file as well as the code I use.

        string dataDir = "";
        dataDir = @"C:\S102000\Temp\";
        Workbook workbook = new Workbook(dataDir + "2017.xlsx");

        Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells;

        CellArea ca = new CellArea();
        ca.StartRow = 1;
        ca.StartColumn = 0;
        ca.EndRow = 6553;
        ca.EndColumn = 52;

        cells.Subtotal(ca, 0, ConsolidationFunction.Sum, new int[] { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 }, false, false, false);

        workbook.Save(dataDir + "output.out.xlsx");


Thanks for your query.

It seems that due to some reason, sample Excel file is not attached here. You may ZIP the Excel file and attach it here. If you face some issue, please upload the file to some online file sharing server like Dropbox or GoogleDrive and share the link here. We will reproduce the problem using this sample Excel file and provide our feedback after analysis.