Exporting contents within an HTML div to PPT


Can we export the contents within an HTML div to a powerpoint slide using ASPOSE for slides.
We need to export two types of div, namely:

Div type 1.
i. which carries an HTML table in which has different colors for different cells
ii. which carries some spans, images for legend etc.

Div type 2. bar charts which have been created using JQCharts.

Please let me know how we can tweak the code to achieve the above requirements cause I cant seem to find any help to achieve the above.

Much appreciate your help on this.


Hi Shweta,

Thanks for inquiring Aspose.Slides.

I have observed the requirements shared by you and like to share that Aspose.Slides only offers to import html text data to shapes text frames. I regret to share that Aspose.Slides does not offer importing HTML tables or charts inside Aspose.Slides presentation. An issue with ID SLIDESNET-37059 has already been added in our issue tracking system to investigate the possibility of implementing support for importing HTML table to slides. Secondly, Aspose.Slides only support MSO charts created using MS Office and the import of HTML chart created using JQCharts is not possible. For both requirements, you may write your own mechanism to read HTML tables and charts, and creating similar ones using Aspose.Slides.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,