Exporting Data from Worksheets

I was checking at the export functionality in Aspose.Cells for Java



I could just find 2 APIs to work with the exported data unlike the .NET Version of Aspose.Cells.

What I am looking to do is read the cells of the worksheet and get the contents of it for use.

Are there any APIs available for this or is there is any example implementations of this?

If yes, please share.


Hi Dhruva,

Thank you for contacting Aspose support.

If you wish to export complete worksheet then Aspose.Cells for Java supports only two export methods at the moment, both saving the results to Array.

  • Cells.exportArray()
  • Cells.exportTypeArray()
We would be in a better position to help you out with your goals, if you can provide more details of your scenario. Please let us know how much data do you wish to export (selective data or all of it), how do you intend to use the exported data, and what form of data best suits your needs.
Hi Babar,

Our end goal is to get the data from a spreadsheet which user uploads and then extract all the data in it and convert each row into a Custom object and insert it into a database.


Hi Dhruva,

Thanks for using Aspose.Cells.

You can use Cells.exportArray() method or you can simply iterate the cells and get their string values. You will have to create custom objects using the data read from worksheets and save them to database using your own code and logic.