Under the native export to excel 2003 (.xls), if I put a name to the dataset in the properties, it will rename the sheet from sheet1, sheet2, etc. I am now using this add-in to go to .xlsx. It no longer does this. Is there something else I am supposed to do? I am using 2008 R2.
Thank you!
Hi John,
Please share the Report Define File (RDL). We will check it and will get back to you soon.
Also one other issue we are facing is the following.
It is taking so long to render, it is hitting our 30 minute timeout on the server. Also the browser will hit a timeout at 50 minutes to an hour.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />Thanks for your help!!
Hi John,
Please accept my apology for the inconvenience and late reply. We have checked the RDL file provided by you. The issue is that the version v1.5.3 does not support all SSRS2008R2. We are under process of developing new version for SSRS2008 R2. This is a new feature; we will incorporate it into the new version. For new version, you have to wait a few days more.
For rendering issue, please tell us the version of Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services and share your Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices.xml with us. We will investigate it and will update you as soon as possible.
Thanks for replying to me Salman. Do you know exactly when it will be released. I also noticed some issues on the sheets beyond the first tab. It appears to start filling cells, then it will leave a bunch of cells blank and then start printing again.
I have notified our sysadmin to get me Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices.xml for you.
Thank you again!! Look forward to your response.
Hi John,
We are working on the SSRS2008R2 issues. It is expected that we will be able to release the fix by the end of next week.
I am providing my xml to you as requested. Let me know what you see.
Hi John,
We have checked the configure file provided by you. Please use the attached updated version ( SSRS2008R2.zip and modify the configure information. The version supports some features for SSRS2008R2.
Unzip and copy the Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices.dll into ${SSRS2008R2 installation folder}/ReportServer/bin/ folder.
Copy the Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices.dll into ${Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services installation folder}/ReportServer/bin/ folder.
Please check the registry information for Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices and forward us.
• Please check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Aspose\Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices and post the key context.
• Please check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Aspose\Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices and post the key context.
Please forward us the information about amount of data which is rendered in order to analysis the performance issues.
It has been installed and below is the key information.
The DLL file has been replaced with the new version and servers have been restarted. Here are the keys they requested.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Path"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Aspose\\Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices\\"
"Path"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Aspose\\Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services\\"
Is it ready to now be tested.
I have begun testing on your R2 version. The good news it is now renaming the tabs. Great job on fixing that.
I am having the following issue and I have included an example of this. In the multiple tabs, on the inside sheets (2nd and 3rd tab in my example), you will notice how it skips lines. This does not happen in the native version on R2. I have included a copy of both. I have also included a new copy of my rdl file.
I appreciate your help on this. This is something that is of great value to our company.
John Johnson
Would you like me to keep the last issue within this same forum? I can open another one if you would like?
John Johnson
Hi John,
Please try the attached updated version of Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services ACRS.2008R2.DLL.V1.5.3.9. The issue has been fixed.
Please copy Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices.dll file to the following location:
${SQL Server Reporting Services installation folder}/ReportServer/Bin folder.
Kindly let us know if it works fine for your requirement.
It looks like it is not skipping lines any longer. I was wondering why we are getting an evaluation warning as part of the last page of our spreadsheet?
Also, is it normal to have it blanking out cells once the final row is written for the page? I have included a copy of the attached.
Thanks so much for your help!!
Update on the above. I just got with my Admin and he was able to fix it where I wouldn't get the evaluation page any longer. I am continuing to test your fix and will let you know what I find. Thank you again!! Let your developers know that they did an awesome job!
The issues you have found earlier (filed as 22172) have been fixed in this update.
This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.
I have done some more testing to this and it is no longer skipping lines in the middle. I have encountered another issue. I am not sure if I have reached a limit per spreadsheet or a limit by page within the spreadsheet. I added a report tab called AFEDetails to the end of the report. When it goes over 100K rows, it causes the whole spreadsheet to format incorrectly. If it has less, it is fine. I have attached a copy of both scenarios. I appreciate your quick turnaround on fixing this issue as my management is really wanting to see this report.
John Johnson
Hi John,
When report item go over 1000000, Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services auto turns off the function of merge cells. This is the reason your report style has been changed when it goes over 100k rows.
You can update the value of “LimitCellsNumberForMerged” in order to fix your report. Please reference the performance configuration section of FAQ.
Thank you Salman,
I think I am finally back to one of my original issue. When I run this render, I am getting an out of memory exception on the server. I have included my error log. Is there anyway to resolve this or have I reached the limitation on the rendering?
Also, can you tell me why the data is merging into more that one column. Is there a way to turn this off where it will use one column per data element?
You and your team has been amazing at helping me resolve these issues. If you ever need a referal, you can have them contact me.
John Johnson
Hi John,
You need to install a license file to remove evaluation page. Please reference the licensing section of Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services document.
We have checked the log file provided by you. We need to know the following information:
• How many is your exported data?
• PC-Server run environment. E.g. Server RAM, SQL Server RAM.
Merging data issue can be resolved by adjusting the width of Report Item along X-coordinate.
Thank you for appreciation. We will defiantly refer to you when needed. On the other hand, please add/ post your views (testimonials) on the following forum:
<A href="</A><BR><BR>Thanks,</P>
Can you tell me what you mean when you say this:
Merging data issue can be resolved by adjusting the width of Report Item along X-coordinate.
I have a report which I have exported and it works fine (it is just one of the reports I pulled out of the multi-sheet one). have included examples of both.