Expose Comment date?

Apparently Word has a date or timestamp value for comments. Can you provide a getter and setter for that?

Thanks for your request. It is not quite clear for me what do you mean. May be you want to get or set doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties.CreatedTime and doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties.LastSavedTime.
Please provide more information or create what you want using MSWords and attach the created document here. I will investigate this document and try to help you.
Best regards.

The attached document has two comments. In Word, if you click and then hover over each of the comments, you’ll see a tooltip that shows the comment author’s name and the date/time the comment was made. I’d like to have access to that datetime in the Aspose document model.

Thanks for additional information. Unfortunately, this feature is not implemented. It is presented in our defect database as issue # 1084.
Best regards.

Thanks for the info. Any idea when this might be implemented? It’s not extremely high priority, but I’d like to annotate our own bug database about it.

This feature will be implemented in one of the future releases. But, unfortunately, I can’t tell you exact date.
Best regards.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 1084) have been fixed in this update.