I’ve used sample code provided, in a previous post response from Aspose, and it’s adding extended attributes as expected. However, when I read the newly created file and check the attribute count on the task it’s only showing 2 when it should be 3 (Missing the duration attribute). If I change the duration attribute and add a cost attribute (e.g. Cost10) I then get three attributes for each task in the project (excluding the root). Any ideas on how to add the duration attribute and keep it around on a read of the newly created MS project file?
Create the MPP file from a template (Template is attached):
Project _project = new Project("New Project 2010.mpp");
OutlineCodeDefinition textOutline = new OutlineCodeDefinition();
// add a mask for text field
OutlineMask mask = new OutlineMask();
mask.Type = MaskType.Characters;
OutlineValue textValue = new OutlineValue();
textValue.Value = "Text value1";
textValue.ValueId = 1;
textValue.Type = OutlineValueType.Text;
textValue.Description = "Text value descr";
textValue.FieldGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper();
OutlineCodeDefinition costOutline = new OutlineCodeDefinition();
// add a mask for cost field
OutlineMask mask2 = new OutlineMask();
mask2.Type = MaskType.Val4;
OutlineValue costValue1 = new OutlineValue();
costValue1.Type = OutlineValueType.Cost;
costValue1.Value = "99900";
costValue1.ValueId = 2;
costValue1.Description = "Cost value 1 descr";
costValue1.FieldGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper();
OutlineValue costValue2 = new OutlineValue();
costValue2.Type = OutlineValueType.Cost;
costValue2.Value = "11100";
costValue2.ValueId = 3;
costValue2.Description = "Cost value 2 descr";
costValue2.FieldGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper();
// Add new cost1 extended attribute and text3 extended attribute
ExtendedAttributeDefinition taskTextAttr = new ExtendedAttributeDefinition();
taskTextAttr.Alias = "New text3 attribute";
taskTextAttr.FieldId = ExtendedAttributeTask.Text3.ToString("D");
// add a reference to lookup table
taskTextAttr.LookupUid = textOutline.Guid;
taskTextAttr.CfType = CustomFieldType.Text;
ExtendedAttributeDefinition taskCostAttr = new ExtendedAttributeDefinition();
taskCostAttr.Alias = "New cost1 attribute";
taskCostAttr.CfType = CustomFieldType.Cost;
taskCostAttr.FieldId = ExtendedAttributeTask.Cost1.ToString("D");
// add a reference to lookup table
taskCostAttr.LookupUid = costOutline.Guid;
//New Duration
ExtendedAttributeDefinition myTaskDurattr = new ExtendedAttributeDefinition();
myTaskDurattr.Alias = "New Duration";
myTaskDurattr.CfType = CustomFieldType.Duration;
myTaskDurattr.FieldId = ExtendedAttributeTask.Duration10.ToString("D");
// Add new task and assign attribute value
Task task = project.RootTask.Children.Add("New task");
ExtendedAttribute taskAttr = taskCostAttr.CreateExtendedAttribute();
// add a reference to lookup table value
taskAttr.ValueGuid = costValue1.FieldGuid;
ExtendedAttribute taskAttrText = taskTextAttr.CreateExtendedAttribute();
// add a reference to lookup table value
taskAttrText.ValueGuid = textValue.FieldGuid;
ExtendedAttribute taskAttrDur = myTaskDurattr.CreateExtendedAttribute();
MPPSaveOptions mppSaveOptions = new MPPSaveOptions();
mppSaveOptions.WriteViewData = true;
//Save the project as MPP project file
project.Save("result.mpp", mppSaveOptions);
Read the result file and check the extended attributes (The newly added task will only have an extended attribute count of 2):
Project _project = new Project("result.mpp");
// Parse through all the collected tasks
foreach (Task myTask in collector.Tasks)
// Just adding a break point below and preforming a watch on the myTask object to get the count.
I’ve downloaded a trial version of 9.2.1 of which I have a temporary license for evaluation. I’m using VS 2010 and MS Project 2010.
Thanks, Calvin