Extracting notes

Hi all

Im trying to extract the notes from a single slide at the min, then hopefully expand on this to loop through all the slides etc. my code is this

Presentation pres1 = new Presentation(Server.MapPath("test1.ppt"));

Slide sld = pres1.GetSlideByPosition(6);

Paragraph paraNotes = sld.Notes.Paragraphs;

foreach (Paragraph para in paraNotes)


foreach (Portion port in para.Portions)


Label1.Text += port.Text;



but its throwing the error "Error 1 Cannot implicitly convert type 'Aspose.Slides.Paragraphs' to 'Aspose.Slides.Paragraph'"

has anyone got any clues



Please change this line

Paragraph paraNotes = sld.Notes.Paragraphs;

into this

Paragraphs paraNotes = sld.Notes.Paragraphs;

mega thanks