Fail to get bookmark after a table in Aspose.Words for Java

Hi Support,

In the attached document, there is a table. I added a bookmark named “test_bookmark_1” before the table. I also added a bookmark named “test_bookmark_2”. I can only get “test_bookmark_1” but not “test_bookmark_2” from the bookmark collection using the logic below.

BookmarkCollection bookmarks = srcDoc.getRange().getBookmarks();
for (Bookmark bm: bookmarks)
    System.out.println("Found Bookmark : Name - " + bm.getName());
System.out.println("Number of bookmarks: " + bookmarks.getCount());

Can you confirm if it is a bug? If it is, Is there any workaround for this issue? Thanks.

Thank you for reporting this problem to us. I managed to reproduce it on my side. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as it is resolved.
Best regards,



I have narrowed down the issue. All the subsequent bookmarks cannot be retrieved if there is a bookmark at the end of a table row.


Hi Alan,
Thank you for additional information. Yes, you are right, In MS Word documents BookmarkEnd and BookmarkStart nodes can be placed within a table (between cells). But in Aspose.Words DOM they can be children of Paragraphs only. I suppose that is why the problem occurs.
Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-4485) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

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