File Error : Some data might have lost


I am using Aspose.cells. for java

I am facing an error “File Error : Some data might have lost” while opening saved workbook which has been generated from my project. I have attached the saved workbook with this post.

When I reopen the saved workbook and save it again it is not showing any error.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();“d:/bosu_output.xls”,FileFormatType.EXCEL2003);“d:/bosu_output1.xls”,FileFormatType.EXCEL2003);

Please help me to find the cause of this issue.

This issue is not comming for all the other similar kind of reports.


Hi Kailas,

Thanks for providing us the template file.

We will figure out the issue soon.

Thank you.

Hi Kailas,

Please try this attached version, if the issue persists, please provide us your template file and code to create such a file, we will check it soon, thank you.