I want to extract OLE embedded object from ppt and save the embedded as a seperate file, is there a way to programmatically detemine the file name or file extension of the embedded object, so I can save it properly?
I want to extract OLE embedded object from ppt and save the embedded as a seperate file, is there a way to programmatically detemine the file name or file extension of the embedded object, so I can save it properly?
Dear becky_bai,
Please try the OleObjectFrame.LinkPathLong and OleObjectFrame.LinkPathShort properties.
Dear becky_bai,
Also try these properties of OleObjectFrame and see do they work for you?
I was able to use ObjectProgId to see if a doc is a Word, or Excel or Pdf...., but for those non- MS office object, like a .txt file, or an .exe, the ObjectProgId is "Package", ObjectClassName and ObjectType generate similar results.
I also tried LinkLongPath and LinkShortPath, they all return empty strings,because the objects I am trying to extract are not links.
Could you kindly advice if there is a way to get the file name of the embedded?
Dear becky_bai,
Since these objects are embedded inside the presentation, they don’t have filenames; they are present there in the form of streams.
I am not sure about it, but one possible way could be to make use of windows registry to get their file extensions given their ObjectProgID, ObjectType etc
I will try to think about it further and post to you again if I could find a better way to solve this problem.