Dear Sir/Madam,
I use Aspose.cells, .Net platrofm, C#.
I have a problem with the syntax FileStream.
I have an error that FileStream could not be found.
The complete line is:
FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(strImageURL);
All the other work fine, the FileStream is the only problematic class.
The line “using Aspose.Cells;” is at the top of course.
Can you please advice?
Hi Yaron,
Thank you for considering Aspose APIs.
It would be of great help in understanding your presented scenario if you can share your complete source code (most preferably a standalone sample application) for our review. If the only problem is to resolve the class name FileStream then you should add the import statement for System.IO
in your project.
Hi Yaron,
Its good to know that you are up & running again. Please feel free to contact us back in case you need our further assistance with Aspose APIs.