Fill Linear Gradient angle

Hi Mudassir,

In the FillFormat.setGradientFillAngle() method, valid values can be -180 to +179 as per the javadocs. But if I set the value less than zero, it is throwing the error,
Exception in thread “main” com.aspose.slides.PptPropertyException: GradientFillAngle value must be between 0 and 179.
at com.aspose.slides.FillFormat.setGradientFillAngle(SourceFile:863)

Please test with the attached files and provide a solution for us. We are using Aspose Slides for Java 2.4. The problem is reproduced in 2.5 version also.

(Zoho Corp).

Hi Mani,

I have worked with the issue shared by you. I think it some typographical mistake on part of documentation as the exception message shows that the value should range from 0 to 179. Thanks for highlighting the mistake, we shall correct it.

Thanks and Regards,

Hi Mudassir,

While using the FillFormat.getGradientFillAngle(), it returns the values in the range
-180 to +179. So for the setter also it should have been the same. Also we cannot represent the 360 degrees rotation using the 0 to 180 degrees. The gradient will be different. You can try with the sample ppt attached in the previous thread. How we can create a ppt with those linear gradients with 0 to 180 degrees ?

(ZOHO Corp).

Hi Mani,

I have observed your requirements. An issue with ID 28648 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be automatically notified once the issue is resolved.

Thanks and Regards,

Hi Mudassir,

Any updates on this issue ? The same had not been fixed in Aspose Slides for Java 2.7.0 also ?

Hi Mani,

I regret to share that the issue specified has not been resolved yet. I have requested our development team to share the information related to issue. I will share that with you as soon as it is shared by them.

Many Thanks,