Find and replace functionality in aspose.word

My company is looking for a component that can perform a find/replace feature on Word Documents. We can buy Aspose.Word ASAP if this feature is available, but I was unable to find anything as such in the API reference.

Can this be done? I know Asponse.Word implements mail merge functionality, but our input documents do not have the special word mail merge fields/bookmarks.

Sorry, find and replace is not yet available. We all want to see this feature in the product and are working on it. Please check back in a month or so.

do you know if there would be any way to scan through the text of the file and insert the bookmarks at the needed locations? (thereby making it workable with mail merge)

Please send me one of your documents along with instructions where the merge fields or bookmarks should be, I’ll see if that is possible. Email to

Aspose.Word 2.0.2 has a new Range.Replace method that allows for simple find and replace. For more info please see