Find and Seach using Aspose.Excel


Please find the following code in VB.NET using MS Excel and suggest me an equalant Aspose.excel code for search?

Private Sub DemoFind()
Dim currentFind As Excel.Range

’ Keep track of the first range you find.
Dim firstFind As Excel.Range = Nothing

’ You should specify all these parameters
’ every time you call this method, since they
’ can be overridden in the user interface.
currentFind = Me.Fruits.Find(“apples”, , _
Excel.XlFindLookIn.xlValues, Excel.XlLookAt.xlPart, _
Excel.XlSearchOrder.xlByRows, Excel.XlSearchDirection.xlNext, _
While Not currentFind Is Nothing
If firstFind Is Nothing Then
firstFind = currentFind
ElseIf currentFind.Address = firstFind.Address Then
Exit While
End If
With currentFind.Font
.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle( _
.Bold = True
End With
currentFind =Me.Fruits.FindNext(currentFind)
End While
End Sub

Please try the following sample code with the attached fix.

’ Search string in range from B2 to F11

Dim cells as Cells = ExcelObj.Worksheets(0).Cells

Dim area as CellArea
area.StartRow = 1
area.EndRow = 10
area.StartColumn = 1
area.EndColumn = 5

Dim previousCell as Cell = null
Dim currentCell as Cell = cells.FindString(“apples”, previousCell, area)

While Not currentCell Is Nothing
previousCell = currentCell
With currentCell.Style.Font
.Color = Color.Red
.IsBold = True
End With
currentCell = cells.FindString(“apples”, previousCell, area)
End While


Thanks for that…But in search i am really looking for a format to search inside a loop and validate for it.

For Ex, i am looking for cell values with “-” inside. (HEP-001,GEIO-98).
In Excel they have (-) for that.Here how can i search that?

-Balaji RJ

Aspose.Excel is discontinued and no more under development. It is replaced by Aspose.Cells that is much advanced and feature-rich product. It provides advanced features to find and search text in an Excel file. Here is an example that can be referred to find data having ‘-’.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to

// Instantiate the workbook object
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells["A1"].Value = "A1 Data";
workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells["A2"].Value = "-A2 Data";
workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells["A3"].Value = "HEP-001";
workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells["A4"].Value = "A4 Data-";
workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells["A5"].Value = "GEIO-98";
workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells["A6"].Value = "A6 Data";

// Get Cells collection
Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells;

FindOptions opts = new FindOptions();
opts.LookInType = LookInType.Values;

// Find the cell containing with the input string
opts.LookAtType = LookAtType.Contains;
Cell found = null;
found = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.Find("-", found, opts);
if (found != null)
Console.WriteLine(found.Value + " at " + found.Name);
} while (found != null);

Here is the program output:

-A2 Data at A2
A3-Data at A3
A4 Data- at A4
-------- at A5

For more details about this feature, refer to the following article:
Find or Search Data

For testing this code, get a free trial version here:
Aspose.Cells for .NET (Latest Version)

A comprehensive detailed solution is available here which contains hundreds of ready-to-run examples for testing different features of this product.