Find specific text and replace it with Hyperlink using C#


I am using Aspose.Word.dll license for generating word document.

We have to find and replace some text in word document using aspose.if we perform these opration then we have found some problem in our output document.

For example in word document we have to find “figure 1” word and replace this word to with some hyperlink.

If word document contain figure 11,figure 12 then it also replace it with hyperlink .

so is there any way we can find excat word like figure 1 ,which not replace figure 11,or 12.

please let me if is there any way in aspose to perform excat search and replacment.

Hi Samanvay,

Please read my answer from here. I modified your InputDoc.docx file, change the text (Figure 1) with bookmark. I attached both document at this post.