Find the word file corrupted or not

Hi Expert,
I am new to Aspose word. I have the few question in aspose, see below.

  1. How evaluate using ASPOSE java, my input word file is corrupted, access protected, etc.?
  2. How to extract embedded images from word document?
  3. How to find the track changes presented in word document?

Please check and suggest me, which way get details using aspose java.
Thanks and Regards,

Hi S.Suresh,

Thanks for your inquiry.


  1. How evaluate using ASPOSE java, my input word file is corrupted, access protected, etc.?*

If the Word document is not valid, Aspose.Words throws Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException exception. Could you please share what do you mean by corrupted document? Please share your input document. We will then provide you more information on this.

FileFormatInfo.IsEncrypted property returns true if the document is encrypted and requires a password to open. Please check following code snippet.

FileFormatInfo info = FileFormatUtil.detectFileFormat(MyDir + "Document.doc");
System.out.println("Document is encrypted: " + info.isEncrypted());

2. How to extract embedded images from word document?

Please refer to the following article:
How to Extract Images from a Document

3. How to find the track changes presented in word document?

Document.TrackRevisions returns true if changes are tracked when this document is edited in Microsoft Word. Please use Document.Revisions property to get a collection of revisions (tracked changes) that exist in the document.

Please let us know if you have any more queries.