Finding out aspose shape position from existing powerpoint slide

I am trying to create shapes is specific locations on a powerpoint slide. I am looking at existing shapes on a slide and looking at the position when i right click but that is showing me:

Horizontal and Vertical in inches and a dropdown that says “From Top and Left” but i don’t see how that translates to what you pass in for Top and Left when you create a shape in aspose. slides

Here is some code and i am trying to convert so i can set left and top correctly. Is there anyway to covert from what i see on the powerpoint slide to what i need to pass into this code below.

var left = ??
var top = ??

int idx = slide.Shapes.AddAutoShape(ShapeTypeEx.Rectangle, left, top, 140, 50);

Hi Adam,

Thanks for your interest in Aspose.Slides.

I like to share that there are 576 pixels per inch for any slide when using Aspose.Slides. You know that the default slide size is 10 ‘’ x 7.5 ‘’ (Width x Height). So, the dimension of slide becomes 5760 x 4320. The position 0,0 refers to top left corner and position 5760 x 4320 refers to bottom right corner. Hope this information will be helpful. Please share if you need any further help in this regard.

Many Thanks,