FIPS Compliance Causing Sample Download Failure

Trying to download the Aspose.NET Email samples and my local FIPS compliance security policies are keeping this from happening.

Is there a way around this or is Aspose.NET not FIPS compliant? If it’s not compliant, then I need to uninstall. We can’t use it.

Message: An error occured while downloading examples for product: Aspose.Email

Source: ExamplesCenter.Model

Stack Trace: at ExamplesCenter.Model.Model.Product.DownloadGitRepo(IRunnerCallback callback)
at ExamplesCenter.Presenter.Presenters.Screens.ProductOverviewPresenter.b__0()
at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument)

Inner Exception:

Message: The type initializer for ‘NGit.Constants’ threw an exception.

Source: NGit

Stack Trace: at NGit.Api.CloneCommand…ctor()
at NGit.Api.Git.CloneRepository()
at ExamplesCenter.Model.Github.GithubRepoDownloader.<>c__DisplayClass1.b__0()
at ExamplesCenter.Model.Github.GithubFileDownloader.RunWebOperation(IRunnerCallback callback, ActionWithResult actionToWrap)
at ExamplesCenter.Model.Github.GithubRepoDownloader.CloneGitRepo(String remoteRepoUrl, String localParentPath, IRunnerCallback callback)
at ExamplesCenter.Model.Model.Product.DownloadGitRepo(IRunnerCallback callback)

Inner Exception:

Message: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

Source: mscorlib

Stack Trace: at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
at System.Activator.CreateInstanceT
at Sharpen.MessageDigest1.Init()</div><div> at Sharpen.MessageDigest1…ctor()
at Sharpen.MessageDigest.GetInstance(String algorithm)
at NGit.Constants.NewMessageDigest()
at NGit.Constants…cctor()

Inner Exception:

Message: This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms.

Source: mscorlib

Stack Trace: at System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed…ctor()

Hi Daniel,

We are sorry for a delayed response. We are currently investigating this issue at our end and will soon share our findings with you here.

Hi Daniel,

Please download the attached Examples zip archive and unzip the contents to your user directory where the examples are created as shown in this screenshot (instead of Saqib Razzaq, it will be your username). The whole purpose of this activity is that if you can’t download the examples, place the folder manually at the right path with the right name. Please try it at your end and let us know your feedback.