Font height seems to be wrong

Please view the PPTX file in the zip package.When I read the font size value in the text frame,I expected to be 22,but actually I get 24.
字号测试 (29.3 KB)
截屏2021-02-03 下午3.10.44.png (12.6 KB)
Please tell me how to fix the problem, Thanks a lot.
java sdk version: 20.6
os version: macOS 11.2

Welcome to our community. Thank you for the issue description. I have reproduced the problem and got the same results. I have logged the issue in our tracking system with ID SLIDESJAVA-38442. Our development team will investigate the issue. You will be notified when it is fixed.

Thank you for your reply, I looks forward to solve the problem.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESJAVA-38442) have been fixed in this update.